Recently, the amount of phishing on behalf of DHL or other transport companies has increased considerably. Criminals 'fish' for your personal data or want to scam you. They do this via e-mail or text messages via SMS or Whatsapp. For example, you will receive a message that DHL wants to deliver a package and you will be asked to pay or click on a hyperlink. If you don't recognize the sender and don't expect the email or text message, there's a chance you're phishing.
Only download the official My DHL app
In addition, fraudulent text messages on behalf of DHL are also circulating asking you to download a tracking app in order to receive a package. Through this tracking app (spyware), passwords and other sensitive data are stolen, such as bank details and passwords. Protect yourself by downloading the official My DHL app only through the App Store (iOS) and Google Play Store (Android).
How do you know if a message is actually from DHL?
- You will always receive DHL emails from an email address ending in dhl.com, dhl.nl, dhlparcel.nl or dhlecommerce.nl. Move your mouse over links (so don't click!) and see if the sender's address suddenly changes. A fraudster can 'mask' this.
- In a real payment request from DHL you will always see the number of your package. Check that the number in the email or text message really matches your shipment. Do not click on the number or link, but write down the shipment number and enter it on our track and trace page.
- Still in doubt? Check with Thuiswinkelwaarborg's Scamcheck to see if a message or link is trustworthy.
Safety instructions
- Do not open attachments or download the included files.
- Do not click a hyperlink in the email.
- Never reply to the sender.
- Never enter access data for DHL eCommerce services if you are not sure if you are on a desired website.
- Download the official My DHL app only through the App Store or Google Play Store
- Disable installing apps from unknown sources and always install the latest OS updates.
Report phishing
Have you received a suspicious email, SMS, Whatsapp or payment request and are you not sure if it is from DHL? Make sure you don't click on any link and don't open any attachments. Report this via email to [email protected] and attach the suspicious email or sms. It is important not to 'forward' the suspicious mail , because then the original and technical data will be lost. With the suspicious e-mail as an attachment, we can identify and block the real sender.
Instruction report phishing (Dutch)
More information
If you have any doubts, we recommend visiting the Fraud Helpdesk website. Here are examples of the fake messages that are in circulation.