Increasing opportunities
What’s learnt in the cradle lasts till the tomb
By increasing opportunities for children and young adults, we are helping build the future. For GoTeach, we are joining forces with the foundations of several professional soccer clubs and other organizations. For example, our own experienced drivers visit grade 5 and 6 each year to give blind spot lessons, in cooperation with Veilig Verkeer Nederland (Safe Traffic Netherlands). In addition, our colleagues work to promote reading skills, among other things, and give families who are less fortunate a helping hand.
Excelsior foundation
DHL Cares has been a loyal partner of the Excelsior Foundation, the civic foundation of the famous Rotterdam soccer club, for many years. We support their wonderful initiatives, such as ‘Playing for Success’, where our colleagues come and tell the class about the interesting world of logistics. Through the ‘Talent Development = Topsport’ program we prepare women in Rotterdam for a successful career.

Willem II a connecting factor
DHL eCommerce has been the official partner of Tilburg soccer club Willem II since 2018. We deliver all the merchandise that supporters order in the web shop, while also helping build the future together. In cooperation with the club’s civic foundation, Willem II Betrokken (Willem II Involved), we provide connection. Not only between soccer and society, but also between our customers and partners. For example, Willem II Betrokken is now working with DHL partner Kinderzwerfboek to get children from the Tilburg region to read.

FC Utrecht in de wijk, from the heart
The logistics partnership between the FC Utrecht soccer club and DHL eCommerce began in 2019. Two years later, we decided to step it up a notch by becoming a ‘Partner from the Heart’. This means that we not only use our delivery skills, but we are also socially engaged. We are the connecting factor in the cities of Vianen, Zeist and Utrecht for the FC Utrecht in de Wijk (FC Utrecht in the Neighborhood) project. We not only focus on physical development, but also on the social skills of neighborhood children. Among other things, we provide sports and game materials to get young and old moving.
Together for the neighborhood
PEC Zwolle united
Together with the socio-civic arm of the PEC Zwolle soccer club, DHL Cares is committed to neighborhoods. We share our logistics knowledge with companies in the region and do something extra for children and the elderly who need it. With the help of our customers and volunteers, we put together surprise packages for the holidays. This is how we provide people with a ray of sunshine during dark times.

Reading is fun with Wandering Children’s Books
Together with the Kinderzwerfboek (Wandering Children’s Books) foundation, we provide access to books for all children in the Netherlands. There are thousands of book stations, filled with free books, throughout the country. Once read, they may continue to wander, on to the next bookworm. DHL eCommerce provides these stations with reading material throughout the year. Our staff also regularly packs new shipments at Kinderzwerfboek, and helps parent organization Nationaal Fonds Kinderhulp (National Fund for Children in Need) deliver summer packages. We are opening more and more stations, so there’s a good chance you’ll come across one soon!

Working like a horse
Together with the Rotterdam initiative Werken als een Paard (Working like a Horse), DHL eCommerce gives elementary school children a peek into the business world. Boring? Not at all! We take the kids to our Rotterdam branch after school, where they can send a parcel to themselves. What’s inside remains a surprise. Meanwhile, the class learns all about the shipping process, such as exactly what we do if something goes wrong with an order. But the party isn’t complete until the children open the door for the delivery driver a day later and they can finally unwrap their well-deserved gift.
Truckers' tricks
Traffic lessons
Children participate in traffic from an early age. So it's important that they know what to look out for. Cyclists, traffic lights, cars, trucks. How do they deal with all that? Don't worry: our experienced drivers know how to deal with them. Every year, we treat grade 7 and 8 pupils to blind spot lessons, together with Veilig Verkeer Nederland (Safe Traffic Netherlands). Our contribution: 24 trained drivers and a golden yellow fleet of trucks. This is how we make the great ‘Veilig op Weg’ (Participating Safely in Traffic) teaching program a great success every time.