With My DHL, DHL eCommerce launches an app to track, send and change delivery. Via the app, the recipient follows all packages that are on their way to him via DHL eCommerce and can change the delivery time or the delivery location as desired until the last moment. Delivery to a place around the house (agreed place) is a new service that has been available throughout the Netherlands for six months. Consumers can also easily prepare a package for (printless) shipping.
DHL innovates in many areas in line with its 'Delivering Excellence in a Digital World' strategy. In addition to investments in new delivery options, this concerns sustainable buildings and an electric fleet. DHL is the market leader in the business market and the second and fastest growing player for parcel delivery to consumers. There was a clear demand among consumers for an app, in order to have more control over the delivery of packages via the smartphone.
The My DHL app is available in the App Store and Google Play Store and has now gained a place in the chart (most popular apps) of iOS next to apps such as tax return, Vinted, Clubhouse and WhatsApp.
The benefits of My DHL
- All parcels in one overview; en route to the recipient, sent shipments or returns
- Adjust delivery last-minute until the delivery person is at the door
- Turn push notifications on (or off)
- Ability to add up to five email addresses, to see, for instance, parcels of housemates.
- Send parcels directly from the app
- Find a DHL ServicePoint nearby
Campaign 'Decide where and when we deliver'
To raise awareness of My DHL, DHL is launching an online and outdoor campaign. Through animated videos, the campaign shows, for example, how you can easily adjust the delivery with the app. We then see the delivery person deposit the package in a smart 'agreed place' around a recipient's home. The full funnel online campaign should generate awareness and interest and stimulate downloads from the app stores of Apple and Google. Highway masts are also used. The campaign runs until the end of April. Example of animated video:
Geef uw klanten controle over hun bezorging en promoot de Mijn DHL app in uw communicatiemiddelen
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