Create a business account
Start shipping immediately
If you send parcels or pallets within Europe, our all-in-one shipping service will make it quick and easy to arrange things. Follow the steps below, so that you can start shipping your parcels or pallets immediately.
How it works
Create an account in a snap
Creating a business account is a breeze. You fill in your details, accept the terms, and pay one cent to verify your bank account. It's as easy as pie. Once you're signed up, you can get started right away via My DHL Portal. Want to connect your webshop? With our plugins, you can do it in a few clicks. This way, you can handle urgent shipments immediately. For long-term solutions, we'll get in touch with you as soon as possible.
Shipment solutions for large businesses
For companies that send over 100 parcels each month
Our business shipping service has great benefits for you if you send more than 100 parcels or five pallets on average each month. Contact us for a customized quote and review our options.
Chatting about your business solution
Start a conversation
Looking for a shipper that fits your logistics needs? Chatbot Tracy is happy to explore which shipping solution suits you best.
Start shipping today
Not sure which logistics solution suits you yet, and do you need to start shipping today? We understand that time is ticking. That is why we first make sure that your parcel or pallet is sent today. Then we look together - at your convenience - for the best long-term solution. With DHL you are assured of a reliable logistics partner that takes your concerns off your hands.
Digital advantage
DHL offers a wide range of digital tools to automate your shipping processes. You can get started right away with our webshop links and API. In our digital business environment My DHL Portal, you can manage all your labels, shipments, addresses and invoices in no time. Every package is just a few clicks away. And do you need help? Our experts will be happy to help. Discover all the digital advantages of DHL eCommerce!
Your logistics, our care
Shipping from A to Z
DHL eCommerce is the logistics expert that collaborates with you: an all-in-one shipping solution – including same day delivery, cross-border expertise, and efficient digital solutions. At DHL, you'll find an efficient and sustainable shipping solution, entirely tailored to your needs. For a flexible and engaged logistics partner, you are in the right place.

Seamless sending
- Envelopes, packages, and pallets
- Pick-ups available
- Same day delivery and cross-border

Digital solutions
- Comprehensive tools and support for added convenience
- My DHL Portal shipping tool
- Free webshop plugins and integrations

Your Customer in Control
- Track and trace, delivery preferences, and notifications
- My DHL app
- DHL ServicePoints and DHL Lockers

An overview of carbon emissions
- insight into how much carbon you have emitted and offset each month
- An annually SGS-validated certificate